Tag Archives: Biodiversity

c. 200-65 Million BCE: Dinosaurs – The Reign of Ancient Giants

Exploring the rise of dinosaurs post-Permian and Triassic extinctions, this article highlights their evolution from small bipedal predators to diverse, dominant species, culminating in their extinction 65 million years ago, with birds as their living [...]

c. 252 Million BCE: The Great Dying – Earth’s Largest Mass Extinction

Discusses The Great Dying, the largest mass extinction event around 252 million years ago, which wiped out approximately 96% of ocean species and 70% of land vertebrates, with various hypotheses about its causes and its [...]

c. 320 Million BCE: The Evolutionary Journey of Reptiles

Traces the evolution of reptiles, starting 375 million years ago from amphibious tetrapods, highlighting their adaptation to lay eggs on land and the emergence of species like Hylonomus, leading to a diverse lineage including dinosaurs [...]

c. 450 Million BCE: nderstanding Mass Extinctions in Earth’s History

Delves into the history of mass extinctions, highlighting the catastrophic End Ordovician event 450 million years ago that wiped out up to 85% of species, mainly shallow water and planktonic marine organisms, likely due to [...]